Software Development – a complex process
Both in the classic waterfall approach and in agile development, a clear definition of the process model is essential for the success of a software project: not only in large projects, but also in smaller ones, the necessary methods and processes must be precisely coordinated across all stakeholders, project partners, development teams, and partner systems. From needs assessements to requirements analysis and through the development itself and the creation of a test concept as well as documentation, it must be clear which steps are necessary for joint success. Deployments and ongoing operations are also relevant components of a software development process that should not be neglected. Last but not least, the selection of suitable process-supporting tools represents a critical success factor – here, too, there are pitfalls that must be avoided.
Our Services
Agile Approach and Agile Transition
The right approach model strongly depends on the individual case, and the evaluation may also vary greatly for projects with similar content depending on the circumstances. We help you make the right decision and support you with our diverse experience from a wide range of projects in implementing the appropriate process framework. However, we also know that even with the best planning, it is usually necessary to continuously adapt the theoretical models to the realities and developments of practice and to steer flexibly. Therefore, we are happy to accompany you beyond the implementation of the processes until a procedure has established itself in everyday life and proven its worth.
In recent years, agile methods have become increasingly popular in software development, even in corporate environments, and terms such as “User Story” have been in use for a long time. Apart from the completely different structured processes, the typical rules of agile development require a massive shift in thinking for all parties involved, especially at the time of introduction. Therefore, when evaluating agile methodologies, attention must always be paid to the organizational culture. In many corporate structures, not all Scrum processes can be implemented immediately and without resistance. Agility can only really work well when members of the Scrum team exhibit a high degree of self-responsibility and commitment, and successful team building takes place. Transparent communication among all project participants is also crucial in agile teams. Legal framework conditions often need to be considered, particularly in the case of outsourcing or when multiple partner firms are involved. In practice, very specific operational problems such as the correct formulation of user stories that meet the needs or the appropriate behavior of the product owner often pose challenges.
We can provide comprehensive advice on both the implementation of agile processes and the development of transition concepts. Our experience, gained through many different projects, has sharpened our focus down to specific methodological details and operational best practices. We encourage you to take advantage of our expertise – we are happy to assist you.
The BHC Benefit
- We love innovation and change: we accompany your new ideas with the best IT methods.
- From concept idea to application management: we accompany you in all phases of your IT system development process.
- A strong affinity for information technology within the BHC team.
- Comprehensive knowledge of process, methodology, and IT implementation.
Have questions? I’m happy to assist!
Mobil: + 49 151 233 764 83