The core component of the digitization of business processes is an efficient PLM and ALM to ensure the continuous availability and consistency of product data (digital twin). The basis of our consulting approach is a detailed and experience-based analysis of the business processes at our customers.

From our previous projects and the experience gained, the BHC team of experts has developed an IT system-neutral process and method construction kit. Our expert knowledge contained therein, numerous lessons learned and best practices support us in developing a solution tailored to our customers based on the task at hand. The core element of our process and method building kit is the mechatronics and software specifics in the classic PLM and ALM disciplines. We know the key challenges and their solutions for a successful integration of PLM and ALM.

Product Lifecycle Management

Designing the product life cycle end-to-end

PLM/ALM Integration

Mastering software in the product life cycle

Systems Engineering

Realize innovative and transparent product development

IT consulting and services

Mastering the IT system lifecycle

Discovery Workshops

Expand your own horizons