Whitepaper: Traceability over Lifetime
The increasing share of software increases the overall complexity of products. This and stricter regulatory requirements mean that the need for traceability is becoming increasingly important.
Therefore, learn in our whitepaper …
… which traceability core capabilities your company needs for end-to-end traceability
… how Systems Engineering methodically supports you during implementation
… how to use an information model to systematically plan IT implementation in your PLM and ALM landscape.
BHC experts will be happy to answer your questions. We look forward to talking with you.
Whitepaper: Integrating Hardware & Software Development
The role of software in mechatronic products is growing
rapidly, allowing manufacturers to save costs on the
hardware side while being more agile in developing new
In consequence, overall product complexity will increase but
with End-to-End Systems Engineering (SE) methods exist
that allow this to be managed reliably. On the basis of the SE
methodology, a model of the business objects should be
established, showing their relevant relationships.
The model of business objects then can be used to conduct
a tool mapping to ensure the PLM and ALM tool landscape is
a best fit.
However, key is a culture of change and openness to
interdisciplinary thinking. As this often is countered by
concerns, change also needs some orchestration to boost
things forward.